
Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP)

Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) is a professional certification program offered by the Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (SMRP). The CMRP certification is designed for maintenance and reliability professionals who have advanced knowledge and skills in the field and want to demonstrate their competence to employers and clients.

The CMRP certification program covers various topics related to maintenance and reliability, including maintenance and reliability fundamentals, business and financial acumen, manufacturing process reliability, equipment reliability, lubrication, and work management. The certification program is designed to help professionals improve their knowledge and skills in maintenance and reliability, and to provide employers with a way to recognize and verify the qualifications of their maintenance and reliability staff.


To become certified as a CMRP, candidates must meet specific education and experience requirements, pass an examination, and adhere to the SMRP Code of Ethics. The CMRP certification is valid for three years, after which it can be renewed through continuing education and professional development activities.


CMRP certification include increased knowledge and skills in maintenance and reliability, improved job performance and career advancement opportunities, and recognition by employers and peers as a qualified maintenance and reliability professional. Additionally, CMRP certification can help organizations improve their maintenance and reliability programs by having certified professionals on staff.

  • CMRP certification is a globally recognized credential and can be beneficial for maintenance and reliability professionals across industries, including manufacturing, oil and gas, transportation, and utilities, among others.

CMRP Exam Questions:

Exam is a computer-based test that consists of 110 multiple-choice questions. Candidates have 2.5 hours (150 minutes) to complete the exam. The CMRP exam is designed to assess the candidate's knowledge and skills in the maintenance and reliability field, and to verify their competence.

Certified Maintenance and Reliability Technician (CMRT)

Certified Maintenance and Reliability Technician (CMRT) is a professional certification program that recognizes the knowledge, skills, and abilities of maintenance and reliability technicians. The CMRT certification is offered by the Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (SMRP).

The CMRT certification program covers various topics related to maintenance and reliability, including maintenance and reliability fundamentals, manufacturing process reliability, equipment reliability, lubrication, and work management. The certification program is designed to help technicians improve their knowledge and skills in maintenance and reliability, and to provide employers with a way to recognize and verify the qualifications of their maintenance and reliability staff.


To become certified as a CMRT, candidates must meet specific education and experience requirements, pass an examination, and adhere to the SMRP Code of Ethics. The CMRT certification is valid for three years, after which it can be renewed through continuing education and professional development activities.


CMRT certification include increased knowledge and skills in maintenance and reliability, improved job performance and career advancement opportunities, and recognition by employers and peers as a qualified maintenance and reliability technician. Additionally, CMRT certification can help organizations improve their maintenance and reliability programs by having certified technicians on staff.

CMRT Exam Questions:

The CMRT exam contains 100 active questions and 10 pre-test questions. Examinees have two and one-half (2.5) hours to complete the closed-book exam.